
Transferring LP music to CD


This page is based on a presentation made by Daryl Thomas on 17 August 2005
it may take a few minutes to download on a phoneline because of the graphic and music content.
Modified October 2011 to remove broken links - RYE.

Before you leap...


Before you start, you are going to need:

Optional but nice additional hardware:

Recording & Editing Software

CD Burning Software

Recording Setup



Use this controller to hear a few bars of "Barbara Allen" recorded by Joan Baez in the 1960s - before CD Spin Doctor Filtering
Use this controller to hear a few bars of "Barbara Allen" recorded by Joan Baez in the 1960s - after CD Spin Doctor Filtering

CD Burning

CDs can be burned with music using either of the following applications:


References and Links


After you have recorded your LP and backed up all your work, you can immerse the LP in boiling water until it is flexible and then curve the edges - it makes an excellent Frisbee. Try it!


Made on a Mac

©Macintosh Appreciation Group of Island County (MAGIC) 2004
last updated: 20 August 2005